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Tornado™ Coiled-Tubing (CT) Cleanout System
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The Tornado™ coiled-tubing (CT) cleanout system is the most powerful, flexible, and effective CT wellbore cleanout method available. It is ideal for removing a variety of solids from any wellbore geometry and trajectory. The patented system allows flexibility in running accompanying bottomhole assemblies such as standard wash nozzles, motors and mills, or rotary jetting tools. You get an optimized cleanout, even with compacted or loosely consolidated fill such as formation fines, pebbles, and proppants.
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Whether you’re looking to remove hard compacted solids or loose fill material from your wellbore, the Tornado™ coiled-tubing (CT) cleanout system from Baker Hughes offers a solution. Offering unparalleled power and flexibility, the Tornado CT cleanout system helps boost your production by effectively removing a wide variety of solids from any wellbore geometry and trajectory.
The patented system can be easily run in conjunction with a range of bottomhole assemblies, including standard wash nozzles, motors and mills, or rotary jetting tools. This ensures an optimized well cleanout, regardless of the type of solids present.
Maximize your cleanout capability by combining the Tornado CT cleanout system’s field-proven operating methods with a suite of proprietary, high-performance downhole tools. Options include tools that offer full forward-facing washing capability while penetrating fill material. Switch to high-rate, uphole sweeping mode during your engineered wiper-trip procedure.
Simulate the progress of solids accumulation along the completion to the wellhead with the Baker Hughes CIRCA™ modeling software. The software integrates a unique solids transport simulator, which is built on results of nearly 10,000 flow-loop tests and correlated with thousands of successful wellbore cleanout jobs worldwide. With the CIRCA modeling software as part of your planning strategy, you get an optimized cleanout solution that includes required flow rates, circulation time, tool configuration, penetration, and wiper-trip speeds.
The patented system can be easily run in conjunction with a range of bottomhole assemblies, including standard wash nozzles, motors and mills, or rotary jetting tools. This ensures an optimized well cleanout, regardless of the type of solids present.
Maximize your cleanout capability by combining the Tornado CT cleanout system’s field-proven operating methods with a suite of proprietary, high-performance downhole tools. Options include tools that offer full forward-facing washing capability while penetrating fill material. Switch to high-rate, uphole sweeping mode during your engineered wiper-trip procedure.
Simulate the progress of solids accumulation along the completion to the wellhead with the Baker Hughes CIRCA™ modeling software. The software integrates a unique solids transport simulator, which is built on results of nearly 10,000 flow-loop tests and correlated with thousands of successful wellbore cleanout jobs worldwide. With the CIRCA modeling software as part of your planning strategy, you get an optimized cleanout solution that includes required flow rates, circulation time, tool configuration, penetration, and wiper-trip speeds.
Features and Benefits
• CIRCA engineered circulation and wiper-trip methodology
• Boosts production while increasing the interval between cleanouts
• Uses simple cleanout fluids and smaller CT
• Reduces job costs and minimizes nitrogen and fluid volumes
• Choice of flow operated multicycle, or single-trip, ball-operated switching tool
• Provides the right tool for nearly every operational requirement
• Easy-to-apply field procedures
• Maximizes reliability and system efficiency
• Rearward-facing jets
• Decreases overall job time
• Prevents solids from compacting around the BHA and reduces the risk of stuck pipe
• Removal of loose fill material such as formation fines, rocks, proppants, and perforating and milling debris
• Removal of compacted solids requiring high-pressure jetting or milling such as scale
• Large-diameter, highly deviated, or horizontal wellbores