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Surface modified and brings proppant to neutral wet state that enable fluids to flow freely through the pore spaces in a proppant or gravel pack. The proppant surface is engineered to repel fluids thus accelerating flow and enabling low pressure wells to be stimulated and produced more efficiently.
The NeutraProp™ lightweight ceramic(LWC) neutral-wettability proppant is a surface modified proppant that enables fluids to flow freely through the pore spaces in a proppant pack. Rather than trapping fluids in the proppant pore space and slowing production, the NeutraProp LWC proppant surface is modified to repel fluids— accelerating flow and enabling low pressure wells to be stimulated and produced more efficiently. In tight pore spaces, it can prevent the water blockages to which other proppants are susceptible and increase the relative permeability to hydrocarbons