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WellRx™ Treatment Solutions
Your production is declining and the cause isn’t clear–neither is the remedy. Understanding the full scope of the problem and then implementing the most effective response are critical. The only true answer to why your well isn’t performing comes from a disciplined process that first considers all the possibilities—from the completion to the formation.
Baker Hughes WellRx™ treatment solutions offer operators total well solutions that combine custom production enhancement with superior products and analytical services to reduce skin damage and production blockage. WellRx treatments bring the well closer to its original, undamaged and natural productive capacity, and help rejuvenate well performance and profitability. Armed with a full understanding of all the factors contributing to declining production, Baker Hughes experts work together to develop a remediation plan geared specifically for your well. Our expert teams utilize more than 100 years of Baker Hughes expertise in chemical remediation services, along with our superior products and services, to create custom well solutions that can be flawlessly executed in the field. Increasing production, extending well life, and capturing stranded reserves requires a thorough look at all the facts, a custom plan, and precise execution Let us create a customized WellRx plan to bring your wells back on line—to keep production flowing and keep your cash where it belongs—in your pocket.