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X-Y Caliper tool
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The Sondex Production Dual Caliper (PDC201) tool consists of two independent Calipers (X and y) set perpendicular to each other which measure the internal diameter of the well casing. The PDC is traditionally run centralized in a production logging toolstring. The caliper arms are spring-loaded to exert a constant radial force on the casing wall over the full measurement range. Both sets of arms can independently collapse down to tool diameter to pass through restrictions.
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Features and Benefits
• Memory and surface read out operations ·
• Combinable with other Sondex UltrawireTM production logging tools
• Fully Collapsible arms, down to tool diameter
• Determination of "X" and "Y" diameters at 90°
• Measurement of casing deformation and major corrosion
• Detection of scale build-up in casing or tubing
• Correction of Spinner derived fluid velocity for various casing or Open Hole completion diameters
• Identification of IDs to correlate with changes in holdup patterns