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Size 05 E-4 Wireline Pressure Setting Tool (WLPSA)
The E-4™ wireline pressure setting assembly (W.L.P.S.A.) is a device in which the products of combustion are utilized for the gradual development of force through pressure. This motive force operates the various working parts of the W.L.P.S.A. in a proper sequence to ensure the successful setting of Baker Hughes bridge plugs, retainer production packers, cement retainers, and other products.
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The E-4™ wireline pressure setting assembly (W.L.P.S.A.) is a device in which the products of combustion are utilized for the gradual development of force through pressure. This motive force operates the various working parts of the W.L.P.S.A. in a proper sequence to ensure the successful setting of Baker Hughes bridge plugs, retainer production packers, cement retainers, and other products. The pressure required is built up through a slow-set power charge, (Product Family No. H43766), or a standard power charge, (Product Family No. H43764). For specifics on all power charges and igniters refer to Slow-Set Power C]harge, Standard Power C]harge, Secondary Igniter, BP-3S and BP-4S Igniter, (Product Family Nos. H43766, H43764, H43743, H43744) Unit No. 4190 under Service Tools/Remedial Systems or contact a Baker Hughes representative. The setting pressure is confined to the proper area of the setting tool through the use of O-ring seals. It is of critical importance that all O-rings be maintained in perfect condition and replaced after each use. The E-4 wireline pressure setting assembly incorporates a piercing disk bleeder system to provide a safe, easy method of bleeding off trapped pressure before disassembling the W.L.P.S.A. after it has been run. Size 05 Firing Head (Material No. H437210500) is not included in 05 WLPSA" •Used to set Baker Hughes bridge plugs, cement retainers, and production packers on electric wireline •Used in conjunction with a casing collar locator for correlation of exact setting depth •Used in conjunction with a casing collar locator for correlation of exact setting depth •Uses the advantage of the fast running capability of wireline •Proven design has been the "Industry Standard" for many years •Sizes available for setting inside 2-3/8" tubing up to the largest casing •Incorporates a disk bleeder valve to ensure safe and simple pressure bleed-off •450 deg. F [232 deg. C] temperature rating •25000 psi pressure rating