PathMaster Lower Watermelon Mill
The Baker Hughes PathMaster™ whipstock system combines the one-trip and retrievable features of the field-proven WindowMaster™ whipstock with a shorter whipstock ramp and full-gauge mills. This system provides a quicker kickoff with a higher build rate in short-radius drilling applications. Decreased length of the whipstock and a milling assembly consisting of only a window mill and watermelon mill combine to form a significantly shorter window exit bottomhole assembly (BHA). The reduced- length BHA is capable of passing through higher doglegs in the wellbore.
The PathMaster whipstock system provides an effective means to exit casing and provide a window to run drilling BHA, liners, and completion equipment through. In one trip, the starting cut is made, the window is milled, and the rathole is drilled. The system can be set with a Baker Hughes TorqueMaster™ packer/anchor combination or the TorqueMaster bottom-trip anchor. Orientation can be performed with measurement while drilling, universal bottomhole orientation, or gyro sensors into packer.