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The KEM-SEAL HP/HT filtration control additive from Baker Hughes is a water based additive designed to control fluid loss in fresh water based drilling fluid systems.
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Features and Benefits
• Thermally stable and not readily subject to alkaline hydrolysis
• Lowers both API gravity and HP/HT filtrate volumes in drilling fluids exposed to temperatures up to 300F (149C)
• Effective in freshwater and particularly suited for use in seawater and brines, including those containing divalent salts
• Enables versatility in use
• Effectively reduces gelation problems and fluid loss of H fluids when used in combination with modified lignites
• Provides borehole stability as demonstrated in triaxial tests.
• Water-based drilling fluids
• Compatible with freshwater, seawater and brines
• Elevated bottomhole temperature where filtration control and fluid gelation are problems